A S C I I B R I N G S C A S H HOW TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS BY USING YOUR PC TO CREATE INFORMATION PRODUCTS THAT PEOPLE WANT TO BUY -- NOW! By Brian J. Baldie Naxos Press 494 G Loop Rd. Bow, Washington 98232 (206) 248-9876 DISCLAIMER "This report is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered in it. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought" From a declaration of principles jointly adopted by a committee of the American Bar Association and a committee of Publishers and Associations. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report is not intended to be a detailed manual on how to setup an run a publishing business. Rather, it has been researched and formatted as a creative report loaded with suggestions to get you started in the information selling business--FAST! A couple of quick pointers to start with: 1. We are in an information explosion, where we are being flooded from all sides with data from all kinds of sources. Each information source is in competition with a very scarce resource -- TIME! With so little time, we often find information to be a major source of anxiety. Information never seems to be complete. It often creates more questions than it answers. To help reduce reader anxiety, always break your subject down into several modular component parts. Choose and answer one component subject area very precisely. Your creation should be between 5 - 20 typed pages( 5 - 10 is ideal). If the report exceeds 20 pages, then the chosen subject is still too general. 2. Review and examine other "How-to" books. Each chapter, even a paragraph can become a new report idea: * don't re-invent; * don't duplicate; but * do divide, research/improve, and replicate. 3. Don't steal information. It's against the law! Copyrights protect the actual words themselves. Facts cannot be copyrighted! Simple rule: write your own story about the facts. Use multiple sources that support and confirm the same facts. If someone allows you to copy information word-for-word -- get a release in writing! The same applies for the right to change part or all of the information. For example, this report is not copyrighted, yet each purchase does include a signed and dated release form. Whereas, Reprint rights only allow you to duplicate the exact information and requires you to display the original author's copyright (C) and address on every document you reproduce. 4. You are not an Information Broker! You are an information publisher and seller! Consulting gets you one fee. Replication gets you many consulting fee's. 2.0 MARKETING Marketing is the most important part of your information selling business. Marketing comes before you even have a business license. Owning and operating your information business has very little meaning unless you can answer the following basic marketing questions. 1. Can you define your information product(s)? 2. Can you identify who your most likely customers will be and is there a need? 3. Do you know how you're going to position the product(s)? 4. Can you list any other information options your potential customers have available to them? 5. How are you going to make your product available to your customers? Are there multiple channels? 6. How are you going to advertise/promote? 7. Do you have enough -- CASH -- and other resources to fund this enterprise? Traditional marketing theory would instruct you to focus on one market segment, a specific area of expertise, and minimize the introduction of "me to" products. This is all very good advise when it comes to widgets, but isn't entirely the case for information selling. If you are an expert in a specific area... GREAT, but don't let this limit the scope of your publishing. It's very important to recognize that you don't have to be an expert to be in the information business, but you do have to be organized and willing to do research. The purpose of this kit is to help you get started--FAST! For example, there isn't any copyright protection or restrictions to get in the way of your use of this material. Sell the kit under your own name. Change it, add to it, take parts from it, and then remarket it using your private label. In order to sell the kit you will need a marketing plan. As an example, I have included the plan I created for the kit. This plan could become a template for your products or used to market any part of this kit as you see fit. MARKETING PLAN "ASCII BRINGS CASH" WHAT INFORMATION DO I WANT TO CREATE AND SELL? 1. ASCII Brings Cash a. Toolkit b. Report sample c. ASCII newsletter WHO ARE MY POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS & WHAT IS THEIR NEED? ASCII Brings Cash "Toolkit, reports, and newsletter" a. IBM PC users (total market) >40 MILLION b. PC users that want to use their PC to earn money for themselves (broad segment). 1/5 of America now works from home offices. 26 million households & 35 million individual buyers with a total sales potential of $35 billion. 4 million PC's in home offices (TAM 85% or 3.4 million PC's). Mean number of people employed .... 1.7. Types of home business: 34% Consulting (target TAM) 28% Word Processing (target TAM) 23% Desktop Publishing/Graphics (target TAM) 11% Independent Sales/Real Estate 9% Accounting 6% Communications/Transportation 5% Government 4% Construction/Architecture 3% Manufacturing 3% Insurance 31% Other ================ * 157% (many perform more than one activity) The information explosion has created a real need for compact to the point information. There is no excuse for anyone to make a poor decision from the lack of information. The problem with information is complexity. Information isn't a precise science. Many factors can make one piece of information more or less accurate than two similar pieces of information. This in turn creates value or the lack of value. One thing is for certain, long documents take time to read, are harder to understand, and have a much lower level of retention. This problem explains the strong acceptance for over 100,000 newsletters in the United States alone. People need up-to-date abstract information that usually can only be found from newsletters. Busy people don't have the time to wade through lengthy books, magazines, or newspaper articles. Reports can serve the same purpose. The need is only limited by one's imagination. c. PC users that want to create and sell information, but are not sure how. This is a target segment. Estimate 1 - 2% of TAM need help in some form... 34,000 - 68,000. Strong need... test market of small classified ads produced .12% of readership. Subscribers responded to: MAKE UP TO $50,000 CREATING INFORMATION PRODUCTS PEOPLE WANT TO BUY -- IN YOUR FIRST YEAR... PART-TIME. d. PC users that want to create their own information for sale and have their own ideas, but need help getting started. This is a niche market segment. e. PC users that need ideas for their own information for sale and need help getting started. This is a niche market segment. Estimate 1 - 2% of TAM need help in some form... 34,000 - 68,000. f. PC users that want information they can modify and incorporate into their own product. This customer is willing to pay a royalty or purchase the non-exclusive rights. This is a niche market segment. Estimate 1 - 2% of TAM need help in some form... 34,000 -68,000. Strong need. This segment was offered a catalog that comprised 40 different information products. Only 4 products offered reprint rights. As of this printing, 78% of total sales requested reprint rights. g. Person that needs specific information and will incorporate this information into their own work. This is a very narrow niche. Market size is unknown and depends on the content of the report? This niche is good for newsletters. Target a specific audience. For example: "Learn how to use this amazing, yet simple 10 step formula to rid delicate plants of serious Aphid infestations in less than four weeks!" This would target gardening hobbyists that have Aphid problems, a very narrow focus. MARKET POSITION STATEMENT This product is targeted for PC users that want to use their PC to earn money by creating information that other people will buy. The kit is designed to teach the basics and provide pointers on how to add value to information by offering unlimited rights to reuse or modify the information for personal use. Position: Sell reusable research information that has a considerably higher perceived value than an equivalent report that cannot be reproduced unless for personal use or in the exact form as the original. Reason: There are very few competitors. Most authors feel that their research is worth a large sum of money and in most cases, they are correct. Authors have worked months, even years developing their product. The thought of another person making money or taking credit for their work is very painful. One author wanted $150 just for the reprint rights for a five page report, plus his name and other product offerings had to be on each report. The report could not be altered in any way. The report sold for $4. Conclusion: He wasn't interested in selling the reprint rights. How to profit from this position: Keep the research time short. Find similar products and improve them, then replicate them. Price the product where equivalent reports take 5 - 10 times more orders to achieve the same profit. Provide a continuous stream of new reports to offset the overuse of older reusable reports. Strike agreements with other authors in order to reuse their reports. COMPETITION The most common alternative is reprint rights. In many cases an exact duplication is a perfect solution. In this case the customer could elect to purchase solely on price. One method would be to counter with offering reusable rights for a lower cost than reprint rights. This would be a bad idea!. The best solution is to research the competitive product and improve upon it. Let the world know that your product is better and reusable! What-if the product is incomplete and the customer needs several sources to complete their own effort? In this case the researcher may opt to gather and research their own information. To counter this possibility, the market strategy should encourage "INCORPORATION" into existing work. The researcher can reduce his or her time-to-market by using the product as part of his or her own product. CHANNEL 1. The channel will be direct mail order sales. 2. The medium (in priority order) will be: * Magazine classified's * Home Office * Inc * Income Opportunities * Success * Bostonian, etc., * National daily newspaper classified * USA Today * National Classified Network * Specialty catalogs/newsletters * IWS * Jackpot * Opportunities Unlimited * Book Dealers World * Towers Club, etc., * Bulk mailing * In-house list * List broker * Magazine display ads * Home Office * Inc * Income Opportunities * Success * Bostonian, etc., * Road show: radio, TV, reviews, etc., 3. Specific reports will need to be targeted for the correct audience. For example: "How to profit from buying and selling used cars" will not sell very well in Home Office magazine. MEDIA SCHEDULE * * * W A R N I N G * * * Need to be very careful. Information selling is very seasonal. Step 1. Target magazines (street date). Use Classified placements only: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sep, Oct, Nov. Step 2. Target the Dailies for Sunday during the Spring months. Use Classified placements only. Step 3. Target the specialty catalogs/newsletters year round. Use Classified and display ad placements. Step 4. Bulk mailing ... None. Use priority mail and prospect on a daily basis. Intensity will follow the seasonal curve. Send catalogs with inserts, sales letters, or special offers. SEASONAL CURVE (as a % of forecast): JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC === === === === === === === === === === === === 1 1 .8 .7 .6 .6 .3 .8 .9 .9 .8 .6 CASH REQUIREMENTS Cash analysis is critical. More company's go down the drain because they focus on profit rather than cash flow in their early stages. One can be making money, but still go out of business because of insufficient funds during a growth period. If the Net Cash is dropping -- watch out! Don't expect the Bank or a rich Uncle to bail you out at the last minute either. Money lenders are easy to find when you don't need them, but hard to find when you really do need them! Expect to spend $500 to $1,000 in promotion and production every month during the first year. Revenue will be lean for the first 3 - 6 months, unless your product is hot. If you are on the right track... breakeven should be reached within six months and profits should steadily climb as you introduce more products. In simpler terms... you need about $3,000 before profits take over the responsibility for cash flow. PRICING Position: Price the product high enough to promote a higher perceived value than a report or 100 page booklet. Typical reprint rights for longer reports are around $15 - $25. The price needs to attract cost sensitive first-time buyers. Target ASCII Brings Cash at $24.95 including postage. Focus on the high-end pricing of longer reports. Target the ASCII Newsletter at $12/Mo. Just below the low-end of medium length reports. Costing: Placing most of the information on inexpensive 360k disks. This will be easier to produce than hardcopy reports. Inventory and scrap will be virtually zero. An average of 125 pages of Ascii text can be placed on one 360k disk without file compression. The Newsletter will be about 10 - 15 pages and the rest will be for PageMaker files and advertising circulars in PageMaker format. Also provide the kit in hardcopy form as an option. ASCII Brings Cash + reusable rights: *** Cost Estimate *** Hardcopy: 1.02 9 x 12 env: 0.12 Disk: 0.20 Box: 0.23 Labels: 0.05 Postage: 1.21 =========== $ 2.83 Gross Profit ===> $24.95 - $2.83 = $22.12 (8.8 times cost) Newsletter + reusable rights: *** Cost Estimate *** Hardcopy: 0.06 (average: promo material only) Disk: 0.20 Box: 0.23 Labels: 0.05 Postage: 0.75 (average) =========== 1.29 Gross Profit ===> $12 - $1.29 = $10.71 (9.3 times cost) COLLATERAL MATERIALS Introductory material will be 400 DPI scanned (LogiTech) line art. Source material will be either clip art or line art drawn by a local artist. All the copy and camera ready stats will be developed in-house using Windows 3.0, PageMaker 4.0, CorelDraw, and a 300 DPI LaserJet IIp printer. Introductory catalogs will use the same procedure, but will have selected areas enhanced with color through computer enhancement. The catalog will be 28 lb news print, 16 pages, 2 color, 8.5 x 11, and weigh .76 oz. The weight is critical. This will allow one 8.5 x 11 insertion for specific promotions, such as ASCII Brings Cash or ASCII Newsletter. Second phase promotion will use black and white photography, 1270 DPI scanned halftones printed with a 133 line screen and varnished. Third phase promotion will require 4 color separations. 3.0 10 STEPS TO GET YOUR INFORMATION SELLING BUSINESS STARTED Step 1. Purchase and read the following manual: Starting and Operating a Business in [Your state]: A Step-by-step Guide. Oasis Press, 300 North Valley Drive, Grants Pass, OR 97525. Phone: (503) 479-9464. This manual can also be checked out from the Public Library or purchased from just about any Book Store. Read each chapter and take notes on areas of concern or uncertainty. Step 2. Locate a good Certified Public Accountant ($80/Hr). Make an appointment to spend 1 - 2 hours with the CPA. This should clear up all your notes. Ask the CPA to give and explain to you all the forms required to start a Sole Proprietorship. Remind the CPA that you are moonlighting. Suggest that your employer is already paying for your estimated tax and FICA. This will keep you from having to file taxes every quarter. Save every receipt and log all of your business miles. When you go to the post office, log the miles. When you go to the printer, log the miles, etc. You're going to find that your business is a great tax deduction. For example, all of your books and magazines are now research material. I spend in excess of $1,000 each year on books and magazines! Step 3. COMPANY NAME Think long and hard before you name your company. Think about where you want to take the company over the next 5 - 10 years. Will the name have a professional appeal or be suspect, such as "Xyz Enterprises?" Will it sound small, hard to pronounce, or hard to spell? Are you going to promote High-Tech? For example, I picked Naxos (5 random letters) to support the sale of low cost macros for spreadsheets and other Windows based software. Step 4. GENERATE YOUR ADVERTISING COPY A few suggestions for sales letters. * Sell benefits not features. * Your best offer/benefit always should be your headline. * Offer benefits right in your very first paragraph. * Make the copy "friendly" and talk about your customer and not about yourself. Note: This is not easy to do. A feature is talking about yourself and a benefit is talking to your customer. Remember! Your customer cares about himself and what you can do for him. He isn't interested you... he doesn't even know you! * Write copy that gets his attention, peaks his interest, builds and creates desire, and then calls for action! * Ask for the order: * Offer a discount, give a premium (something free), offer a free trial period, set a time limit, offer a guarantee, fast delivery, or free postage. Make sure there is an easy order form! * Don't forget to have a P.S. at the end of your letter. This should contain a powerful final offer or an additional offer or guarantee. * Reference Appendix C for sample sales letters. * Reference Appendix B for sample classified ads. * Clip and save sales letters, display ads, and classified's where the headlines attract your attention or in your opinion, offer excellent copy and layout. * Look for long-run advertisements. Consider the use of Card Packs when writing your ad copy. Card packs are collections of loose postcards that are bundled in large groups and shipped in bulk shrink wrapped packages. This is a very inexpensive and effective form of mass marketing. Expect an average cost of $20 per thousand and a response rate around 1%. Use only packs that are sent to mail responsive names, not hotline names. No compiled lists!!!! Ask to be in the front of the pack. Always show your price and ask for the order. Take checks. I'm amazed every day on the quality and credibility of my customers. Don't waste space on charge cards. The copy has to be hard hitting and very direct, due to space limitations. Your card is going to receive 1 - 2 seconds of your customers time.... THAT EQUATES TO ONE BOLD HEADLINE. THE HEADLINE NEEDS TO FOCUS ON A SPECIFIC BENEFIT THAT TRIGGERS THE NEED TO READ ON! Card Pack Directories: * SRDS Card Pack Rates & Data Directory: 3004 Glenview Rd., Wilmette, IL 60091; 800-323-4588. Consider using an electronic bulletin board when writing your ad copy. Write to CompuServe, The Electronic Mall, 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd, Columbus, OH 43220; 614-457-8600. Step 5. CREATE YOUR PRODUCT See chapter 4. Step 6. MARKET THE PRODUCT Ask 20 different marketing experts their opinion and you will receive 20 different opinions as to what the best method is for promoting information products. Let me ask you a very simple question. Which would you choose? Pay $50 for ten orders worth $200 or $50 for 1,000 leads generated from your ad? Two years ago, I would have taken the 1,000 leads... NOW I'll take the 200 bucks every time. I have spent 20 years producing and selling high tech electronic products using the two step method. Frankly, I'm no longer a strong believer in two-step marketing. Here are my reasons. First: the company sends out a fancy four color product brochure, company backgrounder, and the standard marketing sales letter. The customer calls or writes for additional information and pricing. Second: a salesman makes contact and attempts to close the order. Average cost per lead is $60 - $120 or more. Better than 50% of the calls can be screened on price and another 30% can then be screened depending on the offer and finely 10% can be screened on timeliness of the delivery. Ninety percent of all responses are a waste of your customers time. Twenty years of this nonsense! Serious customer's don't bother to respond because they know that 90% of the time it's going to be a waste of their time. They're being forced to make a cold call because they haven't got a good feel for cost, benefits, or delivery prior to making contact. For this reason, they search for solutions that won't waste their time. Two step systems make the marketing person look good and one step systems make the sales person look good. I prefer to have the sales person look good! This equates to fewer highly qualified leads, but generates more revenue. Target your program to get the order. Think of every question the customer is going to have and answer these questions as customer orientated benefits. Then tell him how much it's going to cost to receive these benefits. Offer 24 hour service and shipments by priority first class mail. Identify the amount of postage. Fast response becomes your advantage. Information can be produced immediately from your computer if necessary. There will still be requests for additional information, but a whole lot more will order directly from your advertisement because you have satisfied most of their concerns. Step 7. PROCESS REQUESTS AND ORDERS A good computer database program is an absolute must. Without a quick method to sort through leads and existing customers you are simply throwing customers away. You don't have to spend a bundle to get a good database. Shareware products are now available that rival $400 high-end software. The following are available from Shareware Outlet, Inc., 713 110th Avenue Northeast, Suite 206, Bellevue, WA 98004; 206-454-1388; BBS 206-646-0886. All programs are $3.50 per disk. * BO45 ADVERTISING RESPONSE MANAGER 1.0 * BOO7 FORM MASTER 3.5 * B093 LIST MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2.0 ** GREAT ** * B104 ZIPKEY 2.00E ** FIND THE KITCHEN SINK ** * B136 THE POSTAL CONSULTANT 2.2S / UPS RATEMASTER 5.0S NEVER USE A POSTAL OR UPS CHART AGAIN! * DB019 ZEPHYR 1.0 ** RELATIONAL DATABASE FOR NON- PROGRAMMERS * DB024 FAST FILE 5.3 ** FAST ** ** ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM EXTRA'S AFTER REGISTRATION! ** * DB010 PC-HYPERTEXT ** AN ASCII FILE DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ** ** KEEP TRACK OF ALL YOUR ASCII RESEARCH! ** * DB012 PC-FILE 5.01 ** THE KING OF SHAREWARE ** Step 8. KEEP GOOD RECORDS AND MANAGE YOUR CASH FLOW Take the time each month to manage your business records and to evaluate your marketing and financial performance. Make changes, find ways to improve your products and services. Try new things and experiment. Use small tests to verify your ideas. Improve systems and ideas generated by your competitors. Put your money in the best possible places, don't stick with the norm. Project the future flow of your cash. Use spreadsheets to determine/guess the possibility of future cash problems. Step 9. FIND AND MARKET NEW PRODUCTS ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS Don't wait for the completion of your own products to introduce new information products. Keep looking for people that will be willing to sell or author new products for you. This is where your fortune is going to come from! Step 10. CONSTANT SEARCH FOR NEW METHODS TO MARKET YOUR PRODUCTS Always be looking for new ways to market your information. * Co-op ads and mailers. * Big Mails. * Per order ads. * Buy remnant ad space. * Sell advertising along with your own; start your own classified ad company. (See free sample newsletter report ASC_0519.TXT). * Sell several versions of your product. * Create a product catalog. * Develop a self-mailer or use standard formats offered by the major bulk mailing fulfillment company's. * Develop a post card that meets the postal requirements, yet packs close to one 8.5 x 11 circular into a 19 cent mailer. (See free sample newsletter report ASC_0531.TXT). * Use a unique border on small 1 - 3 inch classified display ads. Draw attention to YOU! This could out pull a full page display ad for a fraction of the cost. * When you find a hot subject area that you are an expert in... create a newsletter to serve the need. Or use the newsletter to promote your products. Newsletters create very high response rates. * Publishing Newsletters, Howard Penn Hudson -- Revised Edition, ISBN 0-684-18954-2, Macmillan Publishing Co., 866 Third Ave., New York, NY 10022. * Bounce-backs: offer additional products when you ship orders. 4.0 9 STEPS ON HOW TO WRITE AND PRODUCE YOUR FIRST "HOW-TO" REPORT. STEP 1. Think positive! Think can do, not can't do! Believe that you can do anything if you put your mind and body into it! You don't have to be a gifted writer to be able to create and sell money-making reports, but you do have to be persistent and focus on gathering and organizing "How-to" facts. Remember, every How-To book or Report is a wealth of short precise report ideas. The products table of contents becomes your idea machine! Another great idea machine is a common dictionary. A S I M P L E I D E A M A C H I N E Locate a Websters Dictionary. Start with the letter "A". Use the dictionary to generate "general" subject areas that you can then break down into precisely focused 5 - 10 page topics. Here's how. Ask the question "WHAT DO PEOPLE WANT AND DESIRE?" People Want To Have: Advancement, Bait(ways to catch fish), ...,Security, Self-control, Self-esteem, Xyz, etc., People Want To Do: Accomplish something, Ballooning (hot air), ..., Start their own business, Xyz, etc., People Want To Be: Appreciated, Better people, ..., Successful, Xyz, etc.,. Personally, I use this method to brainstorm and then I narrow my list by testing each idea against what is currently popular or subjects that remain constant over long periods of time. STEP 2. Research. Research takes time and your success depends on effective use of your off-hour time. Sitting in front of the TV with a Beer in your hand is not good use of your time. You must allocate at least two hours everyday to work on your information business. Two hours each day... minimum! Before you fall off of your chair, the simple fact is, somehow the work has to get done and you're going to have to do it! * Find a quite place to perform research and writing. * Get rid of all the junk and clutter in the work area. * Make an outline before you start (this will dramatically improve your use of time. Make sure the outline is directed at your target audience. The outline must solve their problem by following your exact steps. The outline must achieve your readers desired objective. * Outlines should layout exactly what problems your reader wants to solve. A typical outline might look as follows: 1. Introduction 2. How-to 3. Support data 4. Conclusion/short review of what has been accomplished 5. Promotion (hype on other products they can buy from you) * You don't have to sequentially follow the outline. Pick the fun stuff first. This will promote momentum. * Keep it short. Under 20 pages, if possible. * Ask... What information do I have? What information do I need to find? * Where do I find information? See appendix A. * There will be many times that you will need to contact other professionals or institutions for advice or permission. Use a standard request form. Send the dated request. If within 2 - 3 weeks there isn't a response, file the a duplicate request (for your protection) and quote the source in your work. Don't copy the authors work. Step 3. Create a schedule for completion. Without a schedule and a deadline, you will never get done! A sample schedule outline is shown below. * Information gathering * Information organization * Writing and additional gathering * Prelim graphics/illustrations if required * Production * Make/buy decision * Can I produce the end product on my PC? * Will it be cheaper to get a large quantity produced at a print shop or major printer/publisher? * Are there any service bureau requirements? * Layout design? * Paste ups? * Typesetting? * Camera work? * Halftones? * Separations? * Release to market * First shipments * Saving time and money should be a major objective for each work. Composition should be done on a good word processor that has a spell checker and can export in ascii format. I have used many windows based wordprocessors and frankly any DOS based version gets the job done faster. Pagemaker 4.0 now has a story and spelling capability that has really improved its performance, but DOS gets the job done--FASTER! * Proof Reading and editing: get someone else to review your work. A local college is a great low cost source for quality checking. Proofing can be as little as $1.00 per page. * Desktop typesetting and layout: Use Pagemaker 4.0... no further comment! * Scanned images: Use the tool that best fits your audience. The cost for high quality is negligible when it comes to incorporating photography, but it does limit your ability to produce the same quality at home for customers that need fast response. Most high-end print shops can provide scanned resolutions up to 2500 DPI for $10 - $15 per image. Step 4. Production can be accomplished in many ways, but the focus should be on using your computer. Try to create products that don't require fancy typesetting or scanned images unless you plan to offer a high-end newsletter. You want the ability to run off a copy or a floppy disk and have it in the mail the same day. Fancy fonts and graphic images take a long time to be processed by laser printers and this can slow your production down. If your hard copy product takes off ( > 10 copies per day ), then a trip to the print shop is in order. Step 5. Packaging. I suggest that you keep it very simple. * Package your disks in protective floppy disk mailers. Mailers: $ .19 ea/50 pack 360k 5.25 DS/DD floppy disks: $ .23 ea/500 pack Source: MEI/MICRO center 800-634-3478 * 9 x 12 white envelop: .12 ea/500 pack found at any office supply house. * Labels: Create your own custom shipping labels using Pagemaker and a graphics package such as CorelDraw. I use Avery 5197 labels and produce 5 - 10 sheets at a time on my laser. A box of 70 sheets will produce 840 labels for a per label cost of $.05 each. A good source for 4 x 2 7/8 address labels is The Business Book, One East 8th Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54906; 800-558-0220. Step 6. Stock a variety of stamps. * $.29 on 500/roll stock * $.23 on sheet stock * $ 1 on sheet stock * 1 oz = .29 2 oz = .52 (.29 + .23) 3 oz = .75 (.29 + .23 + .23) 4 oz = .98 (.29 + .23 + .23) 5 oz = 1.21 ($1 + .23) 6 oz = 1.44 ($1 + .23 + .23) 7 oz = 1.67 ($1 + .23 + .23 + .23) 8 oz = 1.90 ($1 + $1) 9 oz = 2.13 ($1 + .29 + .29 + .29 + .29) 10 oz= 2.36 ($1 + $1 + .23 + .23) 11 oz= 2.59 ($1 + $1 + .23 + .23 + .23) Step 7. Determine the total production and worst case shipping cost for your information product. Review pricing for any competitive products. Differentiate the benefits of your product from that of the competition. Can you price the product for better than eight times cost? If not, review ways to improve your cost before simply increasing your price. Make sure that your price matches the perceived value that you want your customers to feel when they read your ad copy. Step 8. Determine where you are going to test market your product first. Some advise. It's getting harder and harder to get the public to respond to direct mail. This has been the trend that I have seen over the last five years. The cost of mailing rockets up while the response rate keeps going down per 1000 mailed. Direct mail should be used to build a client list over a long period of time. I recommend that you stay away from direct mail for the first year of your business. It's very easy to become discouraged when your approach fails. Let me give a few real life examples. A few months ago I mailed a direct mail package consisting of a four page four color glossy brochure, a six page PC Magazine editor's choice reprint, and a two page sales letter to 13,465 Local Area Network Managers. The response was less than .7 percent. The mailing cost just under $9,000 and produced a cost per lead of just over $90. We had mailed the same material on other occasions with much better results, but what-if this was your first mailing? Recently I mailed 500 flyers promoting a new 900 service to a targeted group of opportunity seekers. The same list source had performed at an average level on a prior mailing, so I used the same source again. I received over 20 percent non-deliverable mail and absolutely "zero" responses! The mailing cost me $260 and 5 hours of labor. What-if this was your first mailing? I recommend that you use classified advertising in periodicals to test market your product. Your ad will reach buyers much more effectively than by direct mail. They are looking for you, not you looking for them! If you're prospecting for leads, then use the two step marketing approach and request that they send for additional information. To pre-qualify your leads ask for $1.00 to cover postage and handling. This will reduce the number of leads by removing the tire kickers from the lead count. Many mail order experts suggest that asking for more than $10 in one step marketing will not pull orders. I have tested this theory several times and I feel that the new limit is somewhere between $15 and $25. I have offered several products where I ask for $10 with a $5 option. I have yet to sell just the $10 report. People send a personal check for $15. As of this writing, I'm testing the $25 barrier with a cassette option. Here is my position. Two ads run in the same magazine. One promotes an opportunity, asks for $1, uses 4 lines, and costs $108 per insertion. The second promotes unlimited reprint rights, asks for $15, uses 6 lines, and costs $180 per insertion. Test the interest for the product with the $1 ad. If it pulls well, run the one step ad. It's worth the $72 to attempt a close on first contact. I never run an ad for less than three insertions. If the ad pulls, each insertion does better than the last. Many people watch to see if the ad keeps running before responding. Step 9. Package and ship your information the same day. CONCLUSION You have arrived at the point where it's time to start making money from your information business. You now know how to: * replicate information, and how replication is better than re-invention; * market your information products and why marketing is the most important part of your information selling business; * sell unlimited rights and why selling unlimited rights will out perform equivalent copyrighted reports; * price your information product so that it matches your customers perceived value; * use 10 simple steps to get your business started; * use 9 simple steps to write and produce your first report with unlimited rights. This is just the beginning. There are many things that we all still need to learn to be successful in the information business. The nice thing about information is that you can make money while you learn. There are many ways to increase the profitability of your business. You will start by offering your first report. Then you will offer a second, perhaps, even a catalog or newsletter. After you gain experience you can sell other people's products (without rights) in a catalog that you produce in house and mail to your customer list. Finally, when your list becomes large enough, you could start a newsletter reporting on the topic which built the list in the first place. Newsletters are very profitable. All you need to be successful is your customer list and access to large amounts of editorial material. Your customer list is an ideal starting point for such a newsletter. Creating reports has shown you where to find the sources you need for the editorial materials. Another profit center from your list is to rent it out. You need at least 10,000 names to do this successfully. You can start selling your list as a specialty list when it reaches 1,000 names. It will take you 2 to 4 years to acquire the larger list of names, but you can earn as much as $1/year/name renting your list. Imagine! $10,000 or more per year for printing labels. When you're finished with your first product, please tell me about it. I'm always interested in new material. There! You have your first customer.... I can be reached at: Naxos Press, Attn: Brian Baldie, 494 G Loop Rd, Bow, WA 98232; (206) 428-9876 I congratulate you on your new journey and I look forward to hearing from you soon! A P P E N D I X A RESEARCH RESOURCES Sources of information will vary depending on what you're writing about. For this reason, I suggest that you produce a standard request for information letter. This appendix offers a few sources that will help you gather research material for your information products. ON-LINE INFORMATION DATABASES ADP NETWORK SERVICES AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING, INC 175 JACKSON PLAZA ANN ARBOR, MI 8106 (800) 521-3166 (313) 769-6800 BRS/SEARCH, BRS/BRKTHRU, AND BRS/AFTER DARK BRS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 1200 ROUTE 7 LATHAM, NY 12110 (800) 227-5277 (518) 783-7251 COMPUSERVE INFORMATION SERVICE, INC 5000 ARLINGTON CENTRE BLVD COLUMBUS, OH 43220 (800) 848-8990 (614) 457-8650 DATA RESOURCES DATA RESOURCES, INC 24 HARTWELL AVE LEXINGTON, MA 02173 (617) 863-5100 DIALOG, KNOWLEDGE INDEX, DIALMAIL DIALOG INFORMATION SERVICES 3460 HILLVIEW AVE PALO ALTO, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564 (415) 858-3719 DOW JONES NEWS RETRIEVAL SERVICE BOX 300 PRINCETON, NJ 08540 (800) 522-3567 (609) 452-2000 ON-LINE INFORMATION DATABASES (continued) EASYNET TELEBASE SYSTEMS, INC 763 W. LANCASTER AVE BRYN MAWR, PA 19010 (215) 526-2800 INFOSERVICE I.P. SHARP ASSCOCIATES, INC SUITE 1900 2 FIRST CANADIAN PL TORANTO M5X 1E3 CANADA (800) 387-1588 (416) 364-5361 MCI MAIL 1133 19TH ST NW WASHINGTON, DC 20036 (202) 872-1600 NEWSNET NEWSNET, INC 945 HAVERFORD RD BRYN MAWR, PA 19010 (800) 345-1301 (215) 527-8030 THE SOURCE SOURCE TELECOMPUTING CORP 1616 ANDERSON RD MCLEAN, VA 22102 (800) 336-3330 (703) 821-8888 VUE/TEXT VUE/TEXT INFORMATION SERVICES, INC 1211 CHESTNUT ST PHILADELPHIA, PA 19107 (800) 258-8080 (215) 665-3300 INFORMATION SOURCES (MAGAZINES & NEWSLETTERS) The resources that are listed below are not common to the average reader, but are important to anyone in the research business. AIM NETWORK ASSOCIATED INFORMATION MANAGERS 1776 E JEFFERSON ST ROCKVILLE, MD 20852 (301) 231-7447 ACCESS: MICROCOMPUTERS IN LIBRARIES DAC PUBLICATIONS 3354 30TH ST SAN DIEGO, CA 92104 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES KNOWLEDGE INDUSTRY PUBLICATIONS, INC 701 WESTCHESTER AVE WHITE PLAINS, NY 10604 (800) 248-5474 (914) 328-9157 ELECTRONIC LIBRARY, ELECTRONIC & OPTICAL REVIEW LEARNED INFORMATION, INC 143 OLD MARLTON PIKE MEDFORD, NJ 08055 (609) 654-6266 INFORMATION BROKER BURWELL ENTERPRISES 5106 FM 1660 W SUITE 349 HOUSTON, TX 77069 (713) 537-9051 INFORMATION TIMES INFORMATION INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 555 NEW JERSEY AVE NW SUITE 800 WASHINGTON, DC 20001 (202) 639-8262 LIBRARY HI-TECH NEWS PIERIAN PRESS BOX 1808 ANN ARBOR, MI 48106 (313) 434-6409 INFORMATION ON CD-ROM COMPACT DISCLOSURE DISCLOSURE INFORMATION GROUP 5161 RIVER ROAD BETHESDA, MD 20816 (301) 951-1300 A P P E N D I X B SAMPLE CLASSIFIED ADS MAKE UP TO $50,000 CREATING INFORMATION PRODUCTS PEOPLE WANT TO BUY -- IN YOUR FIRST YEAR... PART-TIME. $1 FOR INFORMATION MOONLIGHT USING YOUR PC TO CREATE INFORMATION PRODUCTS PEOPLE WANT TO BUY. SEND $10 FOR COMPLETE JAM-PACKED TOOLKIT (INSTRUCTIONS, ADS, FLYERS & UNLIMITED REPRINT RIGHTS). ADD $5 FOR INFORMATION ON 5.25/ASCII. HOW TO DO "HOW-TO" (BOOKLETS AND BOOKS, THAT IS). SEND $10 FOR THE FACTS YOU NEED TO PRODUCE A MONEY-MAKING HOW-TO-BOOKLET OR BOOK THAT REALLY TELLS YOUR READERS HOW TO DO WHAT YOUR TITLE PROMISES. START CREATING INFORMATION PRODUCTS PEOPLE WANT TO BUY--NOW! HOW TO MAKE MONEY BUYING PRE-FORCLOSURE PROPERTIES BEFORE THEY HIT THE COURTHOUSE STEPS. SEND $10 FOR DETAILS ON HOW TO MAKE BIG MONEY IN PRE-FORECLOSURE PROPERTIES. NEW WORKSHOPS HAVE SPRUNG UP RECENTLY CHARGING AS MUCH AS $5,000 FOR A WEEKEND PROVIDING THIS KIND OF ADVICE. WHY PAY 5G'S WHEN YOU CAN GET THE DETAILED STEPS RIGHT HERE? NOW! YOU CAN CREATE AND SELL YOUR OWN MONEY-MAKING PROFESSIONAL AUDIO "HOW-TO" TAPES. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED--WHEN YOU LEARN HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN INEXPENSIVE HIGH-QUALIY MASTERS. IT'S 100 TIMES FASTER, 10 TIMES EASIER AND TWICE AS PROFITABLE TO WRITE A SCRIPT THAN A BOOK! DO YOU SOUND BAD ON TAPE? DON'T WORRY.... THERE'S A WAY AROUND THAT TOO! PRODUCE YOUR OWN TAPES FOR LESS THAN $1.50 AND SELL THEM FOR $16. SEND $10 FOR ALL THE FACTS AND "HOW-TO" INSTRUCTIONS. ADD $16 AND RECEIVE A 30 MINUTE TAPE, AD SLICK, AND UNLIMITED DUPLICATION RIGHTS--THAT YOU CAN SELL! KEEP $16 PROFIT ON EVERY $18 ORDER! YES! IT IS NOW POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO START AND OPERATE YOUR OWN INFORMATION SELLING BUSINESS ON A SHOESTRING. CREATE AND SELL INFORMATION THAT PEOPLE WANT TO BUY--NOW! SEND $1 FOR INFORMATION OR SEND $10 FOR THE JAM-PACKED TOOLKIT. MAKING MONEY HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER! MAKE $16 PROFIT ON EVERY $18 ORDER BY SELLING INFORMATION PRODUCTS THAT PEOPLE WANT TO BUY--NOW! SEND $1 FOR INFORMATION OR SEND $10 FOR THE JAM-PACKED TOOLKIT. HOW TO MAKE A WHOLE LOT MORE THAN $1,000,000 WRITING, COMMISSIONING, PUBLISHING AND SELLING "HOW-TO" INFORMATION. SEND $1 FOR INFORMATION. HOW TO PRODUCE EVERY SINGLE KIND OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION YOU'LL EVER NEED TO USE. GETS PEOPLE TO RESPOND IMMEDIATELY. SEND $1 FOR INFORMATION. HOW TO CREATE CLASSIFIED AND SMALL SPACE ADS THAT GET YOUR PROSPECTS TO RESPOND... AND WHAT TO DO WHEN THEY DO! SEND $5 FOR REPORT. GREAT HEADLINES FROM THE PAST AND THE PRESENT Change or add a few words and these winners could become your headlines! TO BUSY EARNING A LIVING TO MAKE ANY MONEY THEY SHOCKED US, THEY OUTRAGED US. THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG -- THEY JUST DID IT FIRST WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER DO THIS EVENING: WATCH TV OR MAKE SOME REAL MONEY? IF YOU CAN LICK A STAMP -- YOU CAN LICK YOUR WEIGHT PROBLEM! 67 REASONS WHY IT WOULD HAVE PAID YOU TO ANSWER OUR AD A FEW MONTHS AGO RIGHT AND WRONG FARMING METHODS -- AND LITTLE POINTERS THAT WILL INCREASE YOUR PROFITS THEY LAUGHED WHEN I SAT DOWN AT THE PIANO -- BUT WHEN I STARTED TO PLAY! WHAT'S YOUR BEST CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY IN REAL ESTATE TODAY? THE ANSWER BELOW MAY SURPRISE YOU. 7 WAYS LONG DISTANCE CAN KEEP YOUR HEAD ABOVE WATER HOW TO PAY ZERO TAX THE 5 MOST COSTLY MISTAKES IN BUSINESS -- HOW MANY ARE YOU MAKING RIGHT NOW? IF YOU CAN READ AND WRITE SIMPLE ENGLISH, I'LL SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE REAL MONEY SELLING WORDS BANKING SECRETS THAT BANKS DON'T WANT PUBLISHED 12 SPECIAL TAX STRATEGIES THAT ARE MAKING DOCTORS RICH A P P E N D I X C SAMPLE SALES LETTERS IMAGINE... YOU COULD BE MAKING UP TO $50,000 CREATING INFORMATION PRODUCTS PEOPLE WANT TO BUY Now it's easy to start your own computer based Business! Mr. Jack Smith 1234 Best Street Any Town, NY 12345 Dear Mr. Smith, Have you been searching for the right opportunity to start a profitable PC based business? Your search is over! But first, lets be realistic. For most of us, there is no "easy way" to make money unless we win the lottery. Despite the many claims that you will run across, it takes an investment of both time and money to build wealth! BUT THERE IS A WAY TO MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF MONEY USING YOUR PC YEAR AFTER YEAR -- IF YOU'RE WILLING TO PUT FORTH THE EFFORT! Information professionals like yourself, have special knowledge that other people are willing to pay large amounts of money for. How much? You can earn thousands of dollars a day regularly---even become an information millionaire. I write "How-To" reports of all kinds, all of which I create using an IBM PC, Desktop Publishing Software and a laser printer. I'm in the business of showing other people how to do things... all kinds of things --- and so can you. Why will your information products sell like hotcakes? What-if you offered to sell unlimited rights to information people want and would pay to get? Rights to information that requires research, lots of research, that takes time to organize, create, and publish. People quickly understand and recognize the extra value, when they read "Royalty Free", "Unrestricted Use", or "Modify For Your Own Use". I want to let you in on a little secret. The value-added jumps geometrically when you offer your customer unrestricted information rights. 5 page report (no rights) $1.00 - $5.00 5 page report (reprint rights only) $5.00 - $15.00 5 page report (unlimited rights) $15.00 - $150.00 The best part is that for every $15 sale you get to keep $13. DOES THIS PEAK YOUR INTEREST? ASCII BRINGS CASH is a jam-packed report that will show you how to: * create information reports even if you're not an expert or a writer; * use 10 simple steps to successfully start your information business; * use 9 simple steps to create and produce your first information product; * use your PC to research and create information that people want to buy--NOW; * be making money within weeks by regenerating the sample reports, circular's and classified ads that pull orders--Fast! Ascii Brings Cash provides everything you need: Marketing methods, report ideas, desktop publishing requirements, sources, production, and advertising.... all the tricks-of-the-trade for a quick start... not a cold start! Imagine... each sample (even the kit) can be modified for your own unlimited use! There are no restrictions! All the information is supplied on ASCII formatted IBM 360k 5 1/4" disk. Sample circular's are 8 1/2 x 11 camera ready, just add your Company name and address. MAKE NO MISTAKE: Your information business will not start automatically. In order to get off to a fast and profitable start, it requires the solid "How-to" pointers that are jammed into Ascii Brings Cash. ORDER YOUR COPY OF ASCII BRINGS CASH -- TODAY AND START EARNING MONEY WITHIN WEEKS JUST $19.95 PLUS $5 p&h Sincerely, Your Name Title, Company P.S. If you order within the next 10 days you will receive FREE, a sample copy of "Ascii Reports", a monthly Newsletter on disk. Subscribers receive unlimited reprint rights. A $15 value -- FREE! Only if you act NOW! IMAGINE... YOU COULD BE MAKING UP TO $50,000 CREATING INFORMATION PRODUCTS PEOPLE WANT TO BUY Now it's easy to start your own computer based Business! Mr. Jack Smith 1234 Best Street Any Town, NY 12345 Dear Mr. Smith, A few weeks ago you responded to the following classified ad: MAKE UP TO $50,000 CREATING INFORMATION PRODUCTS PEOPLE WANT TO BUY --- IN YOUR FIRST YEAR... PART-TIME. You're obviously looking for the right opportunity to start a good business and make big profits -- or you wouldn't have answered my ad, right? First, lets be realistic. There is no "easy way" to legally make money except the lottery. Despite the many claims that you will run across, it takes an investment of both time and money to build wealth! BUT THERE IS A WAY TO MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF MONEY USING YOUR PC YEAR AFTER YEAR -- IF YOU'RE WILLING TO PUT FORTH THE EFFORT! If you are honest-to-God serious about your success and want to start making money for yourself now, then "ASCII BRINGS CASH" is just for YOU. Information professionals like yourself, have special knowledge that other people are willing to pay large amounts of money for. How much? You can earn thousands of dollars a day regularly---even become an information millionaire. ASCII BRINGS CASH I write "How-To" reports of all kinds, all of which I create using an IBM PC, Desktop Publishing Software and a laser printer. I'm in the business of showing other people how to do things... all kinds of things --- and so can you. Unlike other business opportunities that you may have investigated, your information products will sell like hotcakes! Why? Simple! Information takes allot of time to research, organize, create, and publish. This costs money! But what if you had the information people want and would pay to get? People will recognize the extra value you provide if they can incorporate your information into their work or product. Everyone quickly understands the key words "Royalty Free", "Unrestricted Use", or "Modify For Your Own Use". I want to let you in on a little secret. The value-added jumps geometrically when you offer your customer unrestricted information rights. 5 page report (no rights) $1.00 - $5.00 5 page report (reprint rights only) $5.00 - $15.00 5 page report (unlimited rights) $15.00 - $150.00 Whereas, the average how-to book has 200 - 400 typeset pages and ranges from $12.95 - $39.95, takes 1 - 2 years to create, requires an inventory investment of $23,000 - $35,000, and book sales of at least 4,000 copies just to breakeven! You not only breakeven, but make a profit on the very first sale. In fact, you will average about 1,400% ( or as they say "14 times" ) profit on every 5 - 20 page report you create and sell! DOES THIS PEAK YOUR INTEREST? ASCII BRINGS CASH will provide you with the tools you need, even if you're not an expert or a writer, this toolkit will show you how to use your PC to research and create information that people want to buy--NOW! You'll learn that "Special How-To" reports can be produced using your PC for less than $2 and sell like hotcakes for $15... you keep $13! You'll be making money within weeks by regenerating the sample reports, circular's and classified ads that pull orders--Fast! Each sample can be modified for your own unlimited use! There are no restrictions! Even the kit! Everything you need: marketing methods, report ideas that will get you started--Fast, desktop publishing requirements, sources of supply, production, and advertising.... all the tricks-of-the-trade for a quick start... not a cold start! All the information is supplied on ASCII formatted IBM 360k 5 1/4" disk. Sample circular's are 8 1/2 x 11 camera ready, just add your Company name and address. MAKE NO MISTAKE: Your information business will not start automatically. It will require the solid "How-to" information and pointers that are jammed into ASCII BRINGS CASH to get you off to a fast and profitable start. ORDER YOUR COPY OF ASCII BRINGS CASH -- TODAY AND START EARNING MONEY WITHIN WEEKS JUST $19.95 PLUS $5 p&h Sincerely, Your Name Title, Company A P P E N D I X D GENERAL RESOURCE INFORMATION The Self-Publishing Manual by Dan Poynter Para Publishing P.O. Box 4232 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 1-800-PARAPUB Self-Publishing to Tightly-Targeted Markets by Gordon Burgett Communications Unlimited P.O. Box 6405 Santa Maria, CA 93456 Writer's Utopia Formula Report by Jerry Buchanan Distributed by TOWERS Club P.O. Box 2038 Vancouver, WA 98661 How To Avoid the 22 Costly Mistakes (The Beginner Always Makes) In Mail Order by Jerry Buchanan Distributed by TOWERS Club P.O. Box 2038 Vancouver, WA 98661 How to Start Publishing Newsletters Distributed by TOWERS Club P.O. Box 2038 Vancouver, WA 98661 The Gale Encyclopedia of Associations Reference desk Your local library The Oxbridge Directory of Newsletters Reference desk Your local library TARGET MARKETING Magazine -- A Freebie for Direct Mail Marketers P.O. Box 12827 Philadelphia, PA 19108 SCORE Service Corp of Retired Executives Small Business Administration 1129-20th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 The Catalog of US Print Office Superintendent of Documents P.O. Box 37000 Washington, DC 20013-7000 Knowing Where To Look The Ultimate Guide To Research By Lois Horowity Reader's Digest Books 1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207 ($15.95 + 2.50 S&H) "The Desktop Publisher's Legal Handbook" A comprehensive Guide To Computer Publishing Law Nova Publishing Co. 1103 West College St., Carbondale, IL 62901 $19.95 ppd. Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ ISBN 0-13-906891-0 The Greatst Direct Mail Sales Letters of All Time Dartnell, Chicago Richard S. Hodgson Create The Perfect Sales Piece by Robert W. Bly John Wiley & Sons 605 Third Ave. New York, NY 10158 ISBN 0 471-82525-5 Finding Facts Fast by Alden Todd "72" Wm. Morrow & Co. 105 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10016 Publishing Agreements A Book of Precedents Edited by Charles Clark New Amsterdam Books 171 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 Do-It-Yourself Marketing Research by George Breen and A.B. Blankenship Mc Graw-Hill 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 ISBN 0-07-007446-1 Publicity for Books and Authors by Peggy Glenn Aames-Allen Publishing Co. 1106 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2719 (714) 536-4926 Building A Mail Order Business: A Complete Manual for Success by William A. Cohen John Wiley & Sons 605 Third Ave. New York, NY 10158 ISBN 0-471-81062 How To Choose a Winning Title: A Guide for Writers, Editors, & Publishers By Nat G. Bodian ORYX Press 2214 North Central Phoenix, AZ 85004 ISBN 0-89774-540-X Money-Making Moonlight Marketing --Free Lit-- Naxos Press 494 G Loop Rd Bow, WA 98232 (206) 428-9876